Client of the week Lee


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Congratulations to our Client of the Week- Lee.  In her first week she lost 5.3 lbs of body fat and gained 3 lbs of lean muscle mass.

Lee is from Tuscaloosa Alabama and is a retired State Medicaid Agency, Deputy Commissioner of Eligibility. In 2009, she fractured her back in a fall and never really fully regained her prior fitness level. After retiring in 2014, she became even less active, without a routine anymore that kept her active.  She became frustrated with the slow healing and continued pain in her back with certain movements or activities. Her weight gain was also affecting her socially. She no longer enjoyed or could do activities she enjoyed like hiking and camping. Due to her inactivity, weight gain, lack of stamina and shortness of breath, Lee sought medical help.  She was diagnosed with two separate heart issues, and her cardiologist impressed the necessity to lose weight and become more fit. Lee made the decision to improve her health and lifestyle and called Live-in-Fitness.

When asked why Live-in-Fitness?

I looked at a number of fitness programs nationwide. LIFE is very structured and based on proven success. They require all clients to wear a fitness watch that monitors heart rate and that gave me confidence to come with my heart issues. I needed a reset, and I knew I would need structure. I wanted to spend at least a month working on resetting my habits, mindset, and give myself a real start to becoming fit again. I showed my doctor information about LIFE and my doctor cleared me for all activities at camp. Live-in-Fitness has an amazing team with competent coaches. The structured exercise programs are tailored to the clients specific needs, with perfectly proportioned healthy food, daily lectures, plenty of tools to help me be successful after I go home.

How do you feel about your progress so far?

I’m ten days into a month and I’m truly surprised at my results, especially at my age, 64. I have followed the program exactly attending the classes, eating only the meals and snacks provided. The weekly tests are so helpful. The dunk test, the body scan, the posture analysis, the analysis of resting heart rate and the VO2Max test have all been useful tools to help me understand my body, fitness level, tweak my program, and track my weekly progress. I have lost fat while gaining lean body mass. I was skeptical that, at my age, I could gain lean mass but the weight and resistance exercises have made that happen, already in only my first seven days.

What asked, what do you enjoy about the program?

I’m amazed that anything this comprehensive and scientific exists and is affordable for the average person. The staff/coaches are passionate about their work and they are serious about helping individuals meet their goals. I love the variety of class offerings that fit the needs of clients, whether cardio, strength, flexibility, mobility, agility. My coach prepares my schedule according to my ability and my needs. The lectures provide good information on nutrition, hydration, posture, and skills for living fit.  I feel like I have a second chance to enjoy an active lifestyle in my retirement years. I’m looking forward to section hiking a part of the Appalachian Trail, something that’s on my bucket list.

What advice would you give others contemplating attending the program?

Whatever weight you are, whatever health conditions you have, you can become more fit and have a more active life, doing things you want to do. You need to bring your commitment to do the work and hold yourself accountable to follow the program and it will work.

“If your coach recommends something and you feel skeptical, as long as your concern isn’t injury, then try it. When we discussed my back injury, Coach Ashley suggested water work. I was skeptical because I had been in the pool several times back home and it was just swinging arms and stepping side to side and kicking. At LIF it’s a combination of deep water work on the body core and shallow water work for toning legs and arms, a real workout in the pool and without pain. I didn’t know I could get a real workout in the pool. Also Sarah recognized that for me to build lean mass and burn more calories, I needed to be doing work with weights. Most athletes know this but I have never been an athlete so I didn’t know. And yes, you can and will gain lean mass in your 60s.

I may have come with a slightly different mindset than some people do. I lacked motivation. If I had been motivated, I could have worked on my fitness at home. I felt a lot of guilt about what I woulda, coulda, shoulda done over the past 10 years but I lacked motivation to do anything to change my lack of fitness. But I made a promise to myself to become healthier and I committed to do the work.

You are investing in yourself and that takes both commitment and accountability.

Start with a positive attitude and approach and it will lead to a positive outlook on your life.
